Educational Reform
Oct 21, 2009
The Obama administration’s Race to the Top Fund is a $4.35 billion “down payment” on the nation’s future. Against this historical financial commitment we asked members of the Lehigh communi…
Oct 21, 2009
The Obama administration’s Race to the Top Fund is a $4.35 billion “down payment” on the nation’s future. Against this historical financial commitment we asked members of the Lehigh communi…
Oct 12, 2009
Social change starts in our schools, which makes the roles of school leaders critical and complex. Here, Tom Persing ’69 and Rachel Holler ’06 —both College of Education graduates— discuss …
Oct 9, 2009
The results of th early-intervention study conducted by Dr. Lee Kern, Dr. George DuPaul, and colleagues suggest several strategies for parents and teachers working with young children with …
Oct 7, 2009
Written by Thomas W. Durso | Illustrations by Melinda Beck A new, groundbreaking study shows that a series of innovative behavioral interventions can give preschool children a new perspecti…
Oct 5, 2009
Forecasting the future is a tricky business. Thomas Edison once predicted the extinction of textbooks, saying, “It is possible to teach every branch of human knowledge with the motion picture.” Likew…
Oct 5, 2009
Early in his tenure, President Ronald Reagan confounded civil rights advocates by shining the national spotlight on mandatory school busing, a controversial topic in nearly every corner of the countr…