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Center and Clinics

The College of Education is home to a research center and clinics, which represent holistic and current research foci. Our center and clinics foster collaboration, facilitating partnerships between federal and academic entities. They also provide an identity and organizational structure for some of the College of Education's major research areas.

Research Center


Center for Promoting Research to Practice

The Center for Promoting Research to Practice at Lehigh University has a mission to generate knowledge that will truly impact the lives of individuals with or at risk for disabilities. We establish partnerships with schools, parents, families and community service providers to enhance the use of best practices for individuals with or at risk for disabilities.


  • Lehigh University Autism Services

    Lehigh University Autism Services is a university-based research and professional training center for autism spectrum disorders.

    Lehigh University Autism Services arrow_right_alt
  • Centennial School

    Centennial School pursues two principal missions; serving children and youth with educational disabilities and preparing high quality teachers to enter the workforce of special education through a collaboration with special education faculty in the College of Education.

    Centennial Lab School arrow_right_alt
  • Community Voices Clinic

    The Community Voices Clinic (CVC) is a school-based mental health clinic operating within the family centers at regional schools. The clinic provides free, culturally informed therapy services to children, adults and families and also serves as a training site for graduate students in Counseling Psychology.

    Community Voices Clinic arrow_right_alt