Student Resources
Office of Professional Certification
The Office of Professional Certification (OPC) provides a number of supports for current students and our teacher-education programs.
For example:
- Our office is the liaison to the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) (which includes TIMS, the PDE Program Major Review, Act 48 and Continuing Education).
- We collect clearances for all programs in which our students interact with minors through field-based or research experience.
- We facilitate placements for our students in field experiences including student teaching experiences.
All College of Education students must follow the College’s standard clearance requirements and submit their updated clearances before any interaction with minors. Clearances should be submitted by the deadline established by each program. Please read this entire page for requirements.
You do not need to obtain or submit your clearances unless or until you have accepted an offer of admission to the College of Education.
All clearances should be presented in person to the Office of Professional Certification (Iacocca A308) unless approval is given by our office to submit electronically. Please contact the Office of Professional Certification at or 610-758-2805 with any questions.
Frequently Needed Forms
Job Search Resources
- Lehigh Career Services has a terrific website that will help you with your job search.
- PDE has added a section to their website listing Pennsylvania jobs.
College of Education Clearance Requirements
Per the Pennsylvania Department of Education, all College of Education students who come into contact with children either through field-based or research experience in school settings must obtain and present to the Office of Professional Certification (Iacocca A308) the following up to date (not more than one year old) clearances upon matriculation into their academic program.
Please Note
You do not need to obtain or submit your clearances unless or until you have accepted an offer of admission to the College of Education.
All clearances should be presented in person unless approval is given to send electronically.
Before students will be permitted to register for any course with a field experience component or initiate a research activity that involves school-based contact with children, they must have updated clearances on file with OPC. If clearances are not current, the student’s registration and/or field placement will be delayed until updated documentation is on file with the OPC. If anything other than "negative" or "no record exists" is reported on a student's documentation, the exact nature of the reported health or criminal record issue will be reviewed by the OPC Director in accordance with the College of Education Policy on Clearances. Depending on the outcome of that review, the student may not be placed in field or research experiences until all documentation is clear. If any action is needed in response to any clearance check, that action is solely the responsibility of the student, not the College of Education faculty or staff.
After obtaining all 5 clearances, bring your FBI secure registration ID# and all original documents to the OPC (Iacocca A308) so we can make copies for our records, as required by law.
It is the student’s responsibility to keep clearance documents current by obtaining annual updates throughout his/her academic program and presenting originals to the OPC upon receipt for verification and copying.
Be sure to store your original clearance documents in a secure location and to always keep them with you when dealing with children. The schools are mandated by PDE to check original clearances for anyone entering the building likely to be in direct contact with children. Lehigh students must have up to date (not more than one year old), original documents available for school administrators upon request during all field assignments. Failure to produce documentation upon request will result in removal from the schools.
The OPC is not permitted to replace lost clearances and will not supply copies on your behalf to the schools.
Decisions to admit students into public school practicum or internship placements are solely the purview of school districts. The department and/or program does not debate the merits of any school district decision in relation to clearance check results. If a student is arrested during his/her field placement or research experience, the Program Director will remove the student from the field placement or research experience pending dispensation of the arrest incident.
Request your "New Record Check" through the PATCH system found at
Please Note: The volunteer check is not acceptable for school districts and other child serving placements.
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania uses the IdentoGO system for electronic fingerprinting for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) criminal history background checks.
When you visit the IdentoGO website, you will be asked to enter your Service Code. If you are completing any sort of observations, field work, practicum, internship, or student teaching experiences in a school, you will use the following code: 1KG6RT
Please Note: There is a cost associated with this transaction that you will pay directly to IdentoGo.
Please check the IdentoGo website for current fingerprinting locations and hours. Because these sites handle more than just fingerprinting, it is strongly recommended that you make an appointment to ensure the best use of your time.
Lehigh’s Parking Services is an approved IdentoGo site for Lehigh students. If you intend to use this site, enter SP-LHV instead of a zip code in the enrollment center search. No walk-ins will be accepted at the Lehigh Parking Services location.
As with the previous process, you will receive a receipt for your transaction and will receive an email a few weeks after your appointment containing a UEID# and unofficial results.
Important: Once you have logged in to see your results, you will have ONE chance to download and save your clearance.
You will not receive documentation with official results; the only way to access the official results is for approved entities to run the UEID# electronically.
Please refer to the IdentoGo FAQ for additional information.
Online requests are made through the PA State Compass website at You must indicate that you are a School District Employee. Although you are not employed by Lehigh or the district you are working in, Lehigh is a covered school entity in this category. Please review the FAQs on the Compass website for more information.
Please Note: There is a cost for this clearance that you must pay directly to Childline.
The PA required Child Abuse History Clearance can be found on this page.
The request must be for a "School Employee Governed by the School Code" and the cost is $13.
Background about the clearance for Child Abuse can be found on the PDE website.
Students may obtain the TB clearance from the Lehigh University Health Center; however, the Health Center no longer does the PPD test. The Health Center fee is $75 but can be submitted to insurance for reimbursement. Students who have university student health insurance will have the cost covered completely. The results are available 48 hours after the blood draw. For more information and to schedule an appointment, call 610-758-3870.
If you choose not to use the University Health Center, our office requires signed documentation from your doctor that indicates the results of your test.
Teacher candidates must complete Form PDE-6004 - Arrest or Conviction Report to have on file in the OPC. Additionally, schools may request candidates to sign a form for their files.
Clearances Waiver
Teacher candidates, Educational Leader candidates and others who are employed by a Pennsylvania school or district may submit the Lehigh University College of Education Clearances Waiver in lieu of presenting individual clearances. The original document must be on file in the OPC. The waiver is valid for as long as the teacher candidate is employed by the school or district and until the employer requires updates; however, all field work for courses must be completed at said school/district. Should there be a situation in which the candidate cannot complete field work in his/her school, the OPC will help to find a placement in another school once all clearances have been updated. (For example, if a candidates' home district does not offer summer programming compatible with summer course fieldwork.)
Students Employed Out of State/Country
If you are employed out of state or in another country and have your current clearances on file with your employer, you may complete this form and return it to the OPC for review.
The OPC facilitates placements for all Special Education and Teaching, Learning & Technology coursework that includes the Pre-Professional Seminar and Student Teaching. The OPC Field Placements Guide explains the process.
Please download and print the Teacher Certification Field Experience Log Sheet for use when you are in schools for field placements.
PDE Certification Tests
Below please find information about the Pennsylvania required certification tests. Each link takes you to the PA testing page of the test administrator. Be sure to verify that you are on the correct page before proceeding.
You must have the tests taken and passed before you apply for certification in TIMS. Please review the chart (#3 on this PDE webpage) for qualifying scores based on your GPA. You may take the tests when you wish to, but PDE recommends taking them after student teaching, internship or final placement for your area of certification.
Please Note
Test scores must be sent to Lehigh and PDE. If you take your test in another state, it is not automatically sent to PDE; you must request it. PDE requires electronic score submission. If you fail to request that your test score is sent to PDE, you will incur additional costs later on.
PreK-4 These are administered by Pearson
Please Note: All PreK-4 students are able to 'add on' grades 5&6 through testing. You must visit the PDE webpage to find the tests required to add grades 5&6. They must be taken and passed before you apply for certification in TIMS. You must also be already certified in PreK-4 before you can complete and submit the add-on TIMS application for grades 5&6. Please contact Lisa Collins with any questions.
Secondary content areas (7-12), Educational Specialists (School Psychology PK-12 and School Counselor PK-12) and Administrative (Educational Leadership) tests AND Special Education PK-12.
Basic skills tests are not required of post-graduate students as per a ruling by the Pennsylvania State legislature. Some 5-year program students may be required to take basic skills tests and those students will be notified by the OPC in writing. As of July 2022, the basic skills requirement has been put on hold until July 2025.
PDE Professional Certification Requirements
When applying for certification, you must:
- Be a citizen of the United States; OR
- Hold a permanent resident visa that allows you to live and work in the U.S.; and
- File a declaration of intent to become a citizen.
Other requirements for foreign educated students are found on the PDE website.
Individual program requirements also apply. Please refer to your certification program guidelines on the PDE website. For more information, please contact the Office of Professional Certification, A308. 610-758-2805 or
Test Preparation Assistance
If you would like additional assistance beyond the test preparation that ETS and Pearson offer on their website, please see the Butler County Community College site. BC3 offers test preparation for a fee.
Out of State Certification Application Forms/Letters of Completion
This page contains information for those students who wish to become certified in another state after completing the process in Pennsylvania.
In order to have forms or letters completed for you, you must have finished your program with Lehigh, obtained a final GPA for the program and completed the PDE TIMS application. This means that the program coordinator has received all of the information necessary to forward your final paperwork to the Office of Professional Certification.
All states have a process for "out-of-state" prepared applicants. Investigate the procedure with the state's Department of Education directly. During this process, you will find that the state has a unique form or requires an official letter of completion that must be filled out or written for you by Lehigh's College of Education. That form/letter must be sent to the your program's coordinator. Be sure to complete as much of the form as you (the applicant) are required to or send any guidelines that the state requires.
Please Note
Most forms must be submitted to the Registrar for the official Lehigh seal. This will cause a short delay in the process.
TIMS is the system that all applicants use to request certification in the state of Pennsylvania. The system is used by all applicants for initial certification (Instructional I), Education Specialist, Endorsement and Administrative certificates in Pennsylvania. The OPC works in conjunction with the programs, in the position of the Certifying Officer for Lehigh applicants.
Please Note: All applicants must wait to submit the final TIMS application until the registrar posts the final grade point average after the semester in which you have completed your program.
Please Note
As of April 17, 2024, PDE has announced greater scrutiny in evaluating applications for certification in which the candidate has waited more than 5 years to apply after completing a PDE approved program. Here is the language that PDE used in communication to all PDE approved program providers:
For program completion dates of 5 or more years ago (before the date of receipt in TIMS by the Certifying Officer), Certification Services will refer any in-state application (Instructional I, Intern, Educational Specialist I, Administrative I, Program Specialist, Endorsement, Letter of Eligibility etc.) to PETQ (Professional Education and Teacher Quality). Certifying Officers must then confirm the applicant has completed all competencies required by guidelines at the time of application.
Lehigh recommends applying for certification immediately upon completing a program in order to avoid a delay and possible denial of certification by PDE.
Our office is always available to help students navigate the process, so please call with any questions you may have.
- Instructional video outlining how to apply for PA certification in TIMS.
- FAQ - Applying for Certification in Pennsylvania
- TIMS Frequently Asked Questions for Instructional I Applicants
- Educational Specialist and Educational Leadership Applicants
- Reciprocity information Expect that you may need to take additional tests or courses in order to fully meet the requirements of another state. Note the final paragraph on this webpage: "It is not necessarily ‘full’ reciprocity. The educator may have to complete additional requirements, such as coursework, assessments, or classroom experience, before receiving a full professional certificate in the new state."
Act 48
Continuing Professional Education is important in Pennsylvania. Act 48 of 1999 requires all Pennsylvania educators holding Pennsylvania public school certification including Instructional I and II, Educational Specialist I and II, Administrative, Supervisory, Letters of Eligibility and all vocational certificates to participate in ongoing professional education.
Act 48 Compliance
Act 48 requires the satisfactory completion of continuing professional education every five years. These requirements can be met by completing one of the following options:
- 6 credits of collegiate study (one credit is equivalent to 30 hours in the classroom.)
- 180 hours of continuing professional education programs, activities or learning experiences
- Any combination of collegiate credits, continuing professional education courses, or other approved programs, activities or learning experiences equivalent to 180 clock hours
Pennsylvania Inspired Leadership (PIL) hours
If you are a principal or superintendent seeking PIL hours, please indicate that you are requesting your coursework be applied to the PIL requirement on the OPC webform. You must be certified as an administrator and hold an administrator position in a PA school district to request PIL course application of your Act 48 hour allotment. Only the Lehigh COE Superintendent Letter of Eligibility coursework is approved for Act 45 continuing education.
Please Note: PDE does not allow credits for teaching a course, as you are being paid to teach the course.
There are two ways to earn Act 48 credits at Lehigh University
1) Take credited coursework at Lehigh University
Review the information below before requesting hours.
To fulfill the 180-hour Act 48 requirement, only two 3-credit courses, or other combination of 6 total credits, need to be reported. Please do not submit all of your coursework, as we will only upload the amount of hours that you need. If your district requires proof of courses you have taken, please request a transcript from the Registrar's Office.
Please do not report courses that you have not yet received a grade in. Wait until the course is completed and graded before submitting.
Please Note: Summer courses are input at the end of the summer (May start date to August end date). The dates will not be available to request until the last day of finals are complete.
Please make sure to enter your PA Professional ID Number. Hours cannot be processed without this number.
2) Participate in a non-credit workshop or course at Lehigh University
If you take a non-credit workshop or course at Lehigh, your hours will be automatically uploaded once the group roster has been submitted to the OPC.
ACT 48 Information for Lehigh University campus providers
If you are a group that would like to offer Act 48 to your workshop or non-credit course participants, you must complete an application for approval by the Office of Professional Certification and the Associate Dean. You must wait until you have received final approval from the COE for Act 48 hours before advertising its availability.
- Act 48 Application Guide
- Act 48 Application (please email for Word document copy of application or a DocuSign link)
- Act 48 Participant Sign-in Sheet
- Act 48 Pennsylvania Learning Standards
- Act 48 Professional Development Survey
- Act 48 Professional Development Survey Summary
- Standard 8 Suggested Form (alter as necessary or provide your own document)
- Act 48 Excel Spreadsheet Roster
- Checklist for Act 48 Providers - a concise listing of needs to be met for Act 48
- Please contact the OPC if you would like to send your participants a "Certificate of Completion." We have a document on file for use in those instances.
Please review and complete the application in Word only (do not convert it to a PDF) and send it to the OPC at at least 8 weeks ahead of your program. Please do not include Act 48 availability in your advertising until receiving final approval from the COE.
The OPC is able to assist you with this process, please call us!
Act 168
Act 168 Forms for current or former students
All Act 168 Sexual Misconduct/Abuse Disclosure Release forms for current and former College of Education students must be sent to Lisa Collins ( for processing. OPC will facilitate the process in a timely manner. If you have any questions, please call our office at 610-758-2805.
Individuals previously employed by Lehigh University in departments or colleges other than the College of Education should contact Human Resources for form completion.
Lisa Collins
Director, Office of Professional Certification