A Pop Culture Pariah No More?
Sep 15, 2012
PARIAH [puh rahy uh] noun 1. A person without status. 2. A rejected member of society. 3. An outcast. In the final moments of the critically acclaimed film Pariah, 17-year-old Alike finally finds com…
Sep 15, 2012
PARIAH [puh rahy uh] noun 1. A person without status. 2. A rejected member of society. 3. An outcast. In the final moments of the critically acclaimed film Pariah, 17-year-old Alike finally finds com…
Sep 12, 2012
Lehigh has again been recognized by U.S. News & World Report as one of the nation’s outstanding research universities. In its just-released 2013 “Guide to America’s Best Colleges,” the news …
Sep 10, 2012
Brown v. Board of Education helped usher a new era of civil rights for America, but the transition to a society free of social inequality has been turbulent. In an ironic twist of fate, that struggle…
Sep 9, 2012
Recently, I sat in a third grade classroom watching a geography lesson. I was specifically interested in seeing what instruction students received on map skills. I observed the teacher as she reviewe…
Aug 25, 2012
More than 50 percent of high school students with severe behavioral disorders never make it to graduation. And that’s only counting the students who have been properly diagnosed. For the thousands of…
Aug 22, 2012
Lehigh competes—and succeeds—outside its weight class. Perhaps no recent achievement is as impressive as that of Lehigh’s College of Education, which is celebrating a 35 percent increase in research …