Center for Promoting Research to Practice
We establish partnerships with schools, parents, families and community service providers to enhance the use of best practices for individuals with or at risk for disabilities.

The Center for Promoting Research to Practice at Lehigh University has a mission to generate knowledge that will truly impact the lives of individuals with or at risk for disabilities.
We establish partnerships with schools, parents, families and community service providers to enhance the use of best practices for individuals with or at risk for disabilities.
We have compiled evidence-based resources to help teachers, parents and mental health providers.
We are committed to continuing to create resources, so please check back for more.
Research To Practice
The Center generates knowledge, demonstrating successful application of this knowledge to real life settings, and disseminating practical information to school, community and family partners.
School Partnerships
We establish partnerships with high-need urban, suburban and rural school districts in order to facilitate the positive impact of research findings on school services. Improvement of community services is provided to individuals with, or at risk for disabilities by establishing partnerships and linkages with community agencies and service providers.
Family Partnerships
The Center establishes linkages with parents and families to expand their role as full partners in implementation of successful strategies for individuals with, or at risk for disabilities.
Our Vision
The Center for Promoting Research to Practice intends to develop practical solutions to real problems for individuals at-risk or who have disabilities. All too often, research that is created for these individuals remains at the development level and is not disseminated to the people who need it most. Using an interdisciplinary approach and establishing a living laboratory through partnerships with schools, parents, families, community service and support providers, the Center aims to translate research to practice.
Faculty & Staff
Dr. Lee Kern
Professor and Director of the Center for Promoting Research to Practice