The Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning invites all Lehigh faculty to our XR Community of Practice fall meet-up on Thursday, March 27 at 3 p.m. in the new LETs Lab located in EWFM Library. Our guest speaker will be Dr. Alec Bodzin, Professor and Program Director of the Teaching, Learning, and Technology program in Lehigh’s College of Education. Professor Bodzin has been at the forefront of immersive learning, design and development of Virtual Reality learning environments at Lehigh. Dr. Bodzin will speak about his work with the Lehigh RiVR Immersive Learning Project. This Mountaintop Projects initiative is a cross-collaborative group of faculty, graduate students, and undergraduate students, which has been designing and developing VR for STEM education to promote engagement and learning about spatial watershed features and environmental issues in the Lehigh River watershed. Dr. Bodzin will also showcase some of their many game-based projects including Flood Adventures, an interactive simulation game about flood preparedness and safety. Immediately following the talk and discussion, attendees are invited to play Flood Adventures themselves! You’ll be able to play on one of the Mac workstations or on your own device. Your feedback will be valuable as well! If you've never been to one of our meet-ups before, it's a great way to make connections with other Lehigh folks with similar interests in XR and immersive learning. Refreshments will be provided, so please RSVP by Wednesday, March 26. The LETs Lab is accessible via the FM Library breezeway and is located next to the Digital Media Lab, across from The Grind. ALL are invited - students, faculty, and staff! We hope to see you there!