Dr. Zilong Pan

Dr. Zilong Pan

Assistant Professor

Research Focus

  • Augmented and Virtual Reality
  • Data Informed Decision Making
  • Design of Web-based Inquiry Learning Environments
  • Teaching and Technology
  • Technology Based Interventions

Dr. Pan, assistant professor of teaching, learning and technology, has spent his academic career researching emerging educational technologies and innovative methodological approaches in educational practices and studies in STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics) disciplines. His research focuses include: 1. Personalized learning environment enhanced with artificial intelligence. 2. Immersive learning experiences catering to diverse learner groups. 3. Instructional decision-making informed by learning analytics. As an educator and researcher, his goal is to design and implement digital-enriched learning environments to facilitate different learners’ needs and preferences.

  • Education

    Ph.D. University of Texas at Austin

    M.Ed. University of Texas at Austin

    M.A.T. University of Georgia

    B.A. Hunan First Normal University