Szmodis Wins 2012 COE's Graduate Student Leadership & Service Award

Whitney Szmodis, a student in the Teaching, Learning and Technology doctoral program, is the recipient of the 2012-2013 College of Education Graduate Student Leadership and Service Award.  

The selection process was rigorous and the committee felt Whitney’s selfless efforts in a wide range of college, university and community service last year clearly demonstrated her commitment and leadership through service.

As the recipient of this award, Whitney will be recognized publicly during Graduate Student Appreciation Week at the Deans’ Award Reception on April 10th and her name will be engraved on the plaque of recipients that hangs in the Graduate Student Lounge on the first floor.  In addition, a professional development account  will be set up for her to use for travel, for purchase of books and other materials to enhance her professional skills, or for other activities that help her become a stronger professional. Lastly, as recipient of our college award, Whitney has automatically been nominated for the university Graduate Student Life Award.

This year’s Award Selection Committee consisted of Drs. George White and Brook Sawyer, as faculty representatives, and Shalena Heard (CPsych) and Sarah Stanlick Kimball (TLT, and last year’s recipient of this award), as student representatives.  Dr. Ward Cates chaired the committee.