Dr. Alexander W. Wiseman releases "The Impact of the OECD on Education Worldwide"
May. 17, 2017
This volume is published by Emerald Publishing as part of the International Perspectives on Education and Society series.
The impact of the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) on education around the world has been dramatic and increasing in scope since the 1990s. As one of only a few multinational organizations to have widespread impact on the decision-making related to education among policymakers and practitioners alike, the OECD’s particular influence is relatively under-examined. This volume investigates the role that the OECD plays in the development of educational policy, influence on the development and reform of curriculum and instruction in schools and classrooms, the distribution of resources for teaching and learning, and the transition of youth from school to their life beyond graduation is, therefore, crucial to investigate and understand.
CONTENTS: Preface, Alexander W. Wiseman / France and PISA: An Unfinished Dialogue, Bernard Hugonnier / From Achievement to Non-Test Outcomes in PISA: National Trends in STEM Career Expectations, Seong Won Han / Pedagogical Orientations and Foundations in the Discourse Emanating from the OECD’s TALIS Initiative, Anthony Cerqua, Clermont Gauthier, & Martial Dembélé / School Leadership for Equity: A Comparative Perspective, Beatriz Pont / Big Comparisons, Little Knowledge: Public Engagement with PISA in the United States and Israel, Oren Pizmony-Levy / The OECD Diffusion Mechanisms and its Link with Teacher Policy Worldwide, Pablo Fraser & William C. Smith / PISA for Schools: Respatializing the OECD’s Global Governance of Education, Steven Lewis / The Structure of PISA Penetration into Education Policy in Japan and Norway, Hitoshi Sato / PISA and its Impact on Education Space of South Korea, Ji-Hye Kim / Looking Back toward the Future: Reflecting on the OECD’s Global Educational Influence, Meg P. Gardinier / About the Authors / Index.
This volume is available through most university library electronic databases, or to purchase individual chapters in this book, please visit: http://www.emeraldinsig
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ISBN: 978-1-78635-540-9
eISBN: 978-1-78635-539-3