Sara Kangas Awarded 2018 James E. Alatis Prize from The International Research Foundation for English Language Education
Nov. 15, 2017
Dr. Sara E.N Kangas has been awarded the 2018 James E. Alatis Prize from The International Research Foundation for English Language Education.
This international award is given in acknowledgement for a single publication based on its empirical rigor and its potential impact on the field of language education policy and planning.
Article: "That's Where the Rubber Meets the Road": The Intersection of Special Education and Dual Language Education (Teachers College
Sara E. N. Kangas is an assistant professor of Teacher Education at Lehigh University. Her research interests focus on the largely unexplored interface between educational linguistics and special education with particular attention to ELLs with special needs’ educational opportunities and rights. Her recent publications include “When special education trumps ESL: An investigation of service delivery for ELLs with disabilities” (Critical Inquiry in Language Studies, 2014), and “‘I’m not going to be, like, for the AP’: English language learners’ limited access to advanced college-preparatory courses in high school” (American Educational Research Journal, 2014).