School Psych Alum Jessica Hoffman Wins Prestigious 2017 Bouvé Faculty Award
Feb. 16, 2017
Congratulations to School Psychology alumnae Jessica Hoffman, '97, 01G, who is the Northeastern's 2017 Bouvé - Kenerson faculty scholar award winner.
This award is presented to a faculty member who has shown a commitment to improving the health of people in the urban community through interdisciplinary research and teaching activities. Dr. Hoffman has made an impact on the community through her teaching, research and clinical practice. The award provides funds to continue her project and document the results of the work. Dr. Hoffman will hold the title of Kenerson Faculty Scholar for one year.
Dr. Jessica Hoffman, is associate professor in the Applied Psychology department at Northeastern University's Bouvé College of Health Sciences. Dr. Hoffman is a school psychologist, who specializes in school-based prevention of childhood obesity. She was the principal investigator of a 5-year NIH-funded research project to explore ways to promote fruit and vegetable consumption among elementary school students attending the Boston Public Schools. Currently, she is the co-investigator of Healthy Kids, Healthy Futures (HKHF), a community-based obesity prevention program for preschool children in Boston. HKHF uniquely combines evidence-based approaches to engage culturally and linguistically diverse early child care providers and caregivers of young children to promote healthy eating and increased physical activity. In 2007 Dr. Hoffman received the Lightner Witmer Award from the American Psychological Association (Division 16) for exceptional early career scholarship.