Study: More Women, Minorities in STEM? Address Social Oppression in the Classroom
Nov. 22, 2019
Community college program proves effective in strengthening entrepreneurial and STEM skills of students―largely women, minorities and immigrants.
Ninety-nine percent of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) jobs in the U.S. require some form of postsecondary education. Yet, degree holders in science and engineering fields remain predominantly white and male. This results in the exclusion of a large portion of the U.S. workforce―which consists of 29% underrepresented minorities, 46.9% women and 16.9% immigrants―from participating in these high-paying, high-growth fields.
According to Germán A. Cadenas, an assistant professor of counseling psychology at Lehigh’s College of Education, systemic obstacles exist for women, minorities and immigrants in STEM, as evidenced by low representation and education attainment gaps.