Donna Ball, retired EHS Program Coordinator, Awarded Lehigh Hillman Nonexempt Staff Award
Aug. 28, 2020
Donna D. Ball, newly retired department coordinator, of the College of Education's, Education and Human Services Department was awarded the Hillman Nonexempt Staff Award.
This award recognizes a member of the nonexempt staff for excellence in performance or for advancing the interests of the university; sustained excellence in performance that has major impact on advancing the department/university goals; and exemplary initiative and service.
In recognition of their enduring commitment to the university community in the 2019-2020 academic year, Lehigh has awarded its most prestigious honors, the Lehigh University Awards, to 19 members of its faculty and staff.
“We are deeply appreciative of the extraordinary dedication and exceptional effort our faculty and staff exhibit each and every day,” Provost Nathan Urban said. “We applaud our award winners, who have gone above and beyond in their commitment to the university while making a positive impact on the Lehigh community.”
The awards are typically presented each spring at the Lehigh Appreciation Dinner at Stabler Arena, but due to COVID-19 restrictions and health and safety concerns, the annual dinner was not held in April for the 2019-2020 academic year.