Ed Leadership Doctoral Student, Kadia Nichelle Hylton-Fraser, Selected as 2020-22 UCEA Jackson Scholar
Sep. 1, 2020
Kadia Nichelle Hylton-Fraser, third-year doctoral student in Lehigh's Educational Leadership program was selected as the Jackson Scholar for 2020-2022 by the University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA). Kadia is a Fulbright student from Jamaica and her primary research interests include principal leadership, social justice practices of principals and educational leadership and policy.
The Jackson Scholars Network is an exceptional opportunity for graduate students of color to take advantage of formal networking, mentoring, and professional development opportunities to enhance their pathway as professors of educational leadership. The program’s namesake, Dr. Barbara L. Jackson (1928-2012), was an exemplar as a leader, builder, scholar, and mentor in the field of educational administration for over 50 years. As a trailblazer, she opened up avenues of study and practice that still extraordinarily impact people, institutions, scholarly and applied research, diversity, and urban education. Her work has helped to transform the field of educational administration.
As a UCEA Jackson Scholar, Kadia will participate in several activities that will add value to her doctoral experience and of special mention is the attendance at the 2020 UCEA Annual convention. Lehigh will be supporting Kadia's conference registration to attend as a Jackson Scholar.
Visit the UCEA website to learn more.