Environmental Education Online Resources
Apr. 16, 2020
April 22, 2020 marked the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day, Dr. Alec Bodzin of Lehigh University’s College of Education has shared a list of his favorite environmental education resources to share with you. Environmental education promotes environmentally literate citizenry in our society. These resources makes connections between science, technology, economics, policy, people and the environment and addresses the interrelationships between humans and the environment.
Environmental Literacy and Inquiry Energy Curriculum
This curriculum unit begins with an introduction to energy and energy units. Students then calculate their personal and household energy audit. They analyze their energy consumption patterns and ways they can reduce their energy use. Students learn about renewable and non-renewable energy sources. Students use Google Earth to explore locations of different power plants. They use Web GIS to investigate the best places to locate new power plants and to analyze data. Students also examine images and videos of how different power plants work. Students also examine USA's energy sources and uses.
Environmental Literacy and Inquiry Land Use Change Curriculum
The investigations in this curriculum begin with an examination of the environmental aspects of a shopping malls. They investigate how shopping malls change natural environments and alter its immediate surroundings to understand concepts involved in the formation of urban heat islands. Next, students learn how communities can use certain heat island reduction strategies to reduce the impact of an urban heat island effect. Students then use remotely sensed images to recognize land use patterns of diverse areas in our world. In the culminating activity, students recommend a plan for locating a new Wal-Mart Supercenter to have minimal impact on the environment and apply "smart growth" principles to their planning decisions.
Environmental Literacy and Inquiry Climate Change Curriculum
The curriculum begins with an investigation using Google Earth to explore global temperature changes during a recent 50 - 58 year period. Students then explore and investigate concepts pertaining to Earth system energy balance and determine how latitude, elevation, proximity to bodies of water, and mountain ranges affect a location’s climate. Students also use an Web-based geologic timeline to examine temperature, CO2 concentration, and ice cover data to investigate how climate has changed during the last 715 million years. A Web-based carbon calculator is used to determine one’s carbon footprint and examine their personal and household habits and choices in relation to their carbon footprint. Next, students use Google Earth to investigate geographical areas and populations affected by recent changes in climate patterns.
Climate Literacy and Awareness Network (CLEAN)
Resources in CLEAN include 700+ ready to use lesson plans, scientific data, visualizations, interactive computer models, and virtual field trips that have been peer-reviewed by scientists and educators.
The EJ Atlas is a teaching, networking and advocacy resource.
USA National Phenology Network
The USA National Phenology Network (USA-NPN) monitors the influence of climate on the phenology of plants, animals, and landscapes.
FieldScope is a web-based mapping, analysis, and collaboration tool designed to support geographic investigations and engage students as citizen scientists investigating real-world issues - both in the classroom and in outdoor education settings.