Recommendations for Parents of Young Children and Young Children with ADHD in Navigating the COVID-19 Situation
May. 1, 2020
School Psychology doctoral students, Courtney Cleminshaw and Alicia Chunta, Dr. Lee Kern, Director of the Center for Promoting Research to Practice and Professor of Special Education and Dr. George DuPaul, Associate Dean for Research and Professor of School Psychology created these recommendations for parents with young children and young children with ADHD to help navigate home life during the COVID-19 pandemic. While these strategies are important to use now, they can be used beyond this uncertain and trying time.
Courtney Cleminshaw is a fourth year doctoral student in the school psychology program at Lehigh University, pursuing a sub-specialization in pediatric school psychology. Courtney’s research interests include interventions for ADHD and co-occurring disruptive behavior disorders, self- and emotion-regulation, and promoting social functioning and peer relationships in children with disruptive behavior. Courtney is also interested in the intersection of externalizing behaviors and pediatric health risk and the integration of psychology services into pediatric primary care.
Alicia Chunta is a second year doctoral student in the school psychology program. Her research and practical interests include the development and dissemination of evidence-based interventions for children with ADHD and other behavioral challenges, child/parent/teacher self-efficacy and the role it plays in treatment outcomes, parent education groups, and school-wide positive behavioral support. Further, Alicia is interested in the development and outcomes of summer treatment programs for children with ADHD and related behavioral concerns.
Dr. Lee Kern's research interests are in the area of interventions for students with social, emotional, and behavioral disorders. Recently, she has researched multi-component intervention packages for high school students with behavioral and mental health issues, adaptations to interventions for elementary age students with mild to moderate emotional and behavioral problems, and parent implemented interventions for pre-school children with ADHD.
Dr. George DuPaul's primary research interest is the treatment of individuals with (ADHD) attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and related behavior disorders. Specifically, he conducts research on school-based academic and behavioral interventions for youth in K-12 settings; early intervention for young children at-risk for ADHD; and the assessment and treatment of college students with significant ADHD symptoms. Dr. DuPaul also has interests in health promotion and pediatric psychology; having directed student-led studies related to nutrition education, asthma, and psychopharmacology.