COE Winter News 2025

COE Winter 2024 News Released

The winter issue of the COE Newsletter is now available!  

The Fall 2024 semester was a busy one for the COE.

After months of planning and hard work, we are pleased to announce the launch of our new COE website. Faculty, staff and students provided feedback in the development of the new site with a focus on improving the user experience. We hope you will spend some time exploring it.

This fall, we resumed the COE Distinguished Dean’s Lecture. The 2024 lecture was presented by James Moore from the National Science Foundation. During his day-long visit, Moore met with faculty, staff and students and discussed the importance of STEM education.

We are incredibly proud of our faculty, staff, students and alumni. Please join us in celebrating them and learn more about their work in the stories that follow.

Finally, we are pleased to announce new programming, including the COE'S undergraduate course in Learning Sciences and an Artificial Intelligence graduate certificate. The College of Arts and Sciences is also offering an Interdisciplinary Policy Certificate that allows students to take up to two elective courses through the College of Education and/or the College of Health. We look forward to reaching new students through these opportunities.

Please feel free to reach out directly with any questions or comments you may have. You can also connect with us on our social media channels to keep up to date with all of the latest COE news.

Our best work truly is ahead.

Brook Sawyer, Associate Dean for Graduate Studies

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