Academic Program
School Psychology
Master the skills necessary to help children in school settings and the surrounding communities.
Our School Psychology program prepares students to effectively support the academic and social emotional success of children and adolescents. Working with faculty with extensive research and practice expertise, our students develop the skills and knowledge needed to address complex educational problems and lead systems level change.
School psychologists must follow best practices that are supported by empirical research. Our program trains graduates using a problem-solving model that approaches consultation, assessment and intervention from a behavior analytic framework and emphasizes the influences of family, community and culture in the problem-solving process.
Students in our Ed.S. and Ph.D. programs receive supervised practicum experience in school settings from the beginning and gain a knowledge and experimental underpinning in multicultural perspectives.
Our faculty and students engage in research in areas such as academic assessment and intervention, ADHD, autism, behavioral/emotional assessment and intervention, and pediatric school psychology, and they have published in journals and presented their research at national and international conferences.
Our programs have met the rigorous criteria and standards designed by the following governing boards to provide a top education for our students.
- Ph.D. program is accredited by the American Psychological Association, the National Association of School Psychologists and the Pennsylvania Department of Education
- Ed.S. program is accredited by the National Association of School Psychologists and the Pennsylvania Department of Education
School Psychology Spotlight
DuPaul Discusses Supporting Students with ADHD on Recent Podcast
Dr. George DuPaul, a professor in the COE's School Psychology program and an expert in ADHD research, was recently a guest on the podcast, "Not Your Average School Psychologist." Program alumnae Laura Rutherford and Lisa Thomas host the podcast and lead this engaging conversation with DuPaul.
COE Represents at AACTE Holmes Scholar annual meeting
COE graduate students Jeré Andrews, Elyse Ganss, Olivia Wojtowicz, M.S., Joey Lam, M.S., Yameng Cui and Amanda Rosado recently attended the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education Holmes Scholar annual meeting in Long Beach, CA.
School Psychology Program Represents at NASP
Our School Psychology faculty and students represented the COE at the National Association of School Psychologists conference in Seattle last week. Among those presenting were Hannah Crespy, Nathan Kirk, Katherine Lopez, and Cate Blumberg (pictured with Dr. Ethan Van Norman).
Lehigh Announces New Center Focused on Adaptive Technologies
The Center for Community-Driven Assistive Technologies (CDAT) will focus on life transitions, mobility enhancement, everyday activities, and access to living, working and learning spaces led by George DuPaul, professor of school psychology, and Vinod Namboodiri, Forlenza Chair of Health Innovation and Technology and professor of computer science and engineering.
Faculty & Staff
Lori Gallagher Anderson
Coordinator, Counseling and School Psychology
Dr. Bridget V. Dever
Professor and Associate Dean for Research
Dr. George J. DuPaul
Dr. Robin Hojnoski
Professor and Acting Dean for the College of Education
Dr. Seth D. Laracy
Visiting Assistant Professor, Director of Clinical Training
Dr. Patricia H. Manz
Professor, Associate Chair of Education and Human Services Department
Dr. Lia E. Sandilos
Assistant Professor
Dr. Ethan R. Van Norman
Associate Professor and Program Director