Resistance Lab Leads #TransparencyCampaign @ Lehigh and beyond
Apr. 23, 2020
Dr. Nicole (Nic) L. Johnson, an Assistant Professor of Counseling Psychology in the College of Education at Lehigh University, directs The Resistance Lab. The Lab is comprised of Dr. Johnson, along with undergraduate students, masters-level students, doctoral students, and also work with variety of community organizations.
As a result of research conducted by The Resistance Lab at Lehigh demonstrating that students want more transparency around gender-based violence (GBV) resources, policies, and statistics, our goal is to address those suggestions through social media posts. You can visit this page which includes a collection of all posts so far.
Follow their campaign on: Twitter @LehighGVES and @Resistance_Lab, Instagram @LehighGVES and @TheResistanceLab and Facebook https://www.facebook.
The #TransparencyCampaign will focus on different aspects throughout the year and started in March with a look at the history of Title IX, gender-based violence prevention on college campuses. April has zeroed in on gender-based violence during COVID-19 and how individuals can access remote resources and learn about the unique experience of GBV while social distancing. Upcoming monthly campaigns will look at:
- May - Statistics of the prevalence of gender-based violence on Lehigh's campus and on campuses in general;
- June & July - Summer break!
- August - The reporting process, how long it takes, your rights, and survivors stories of what was harmful and helpful throughout the process
- September - Will focus on resources on campus and what you can expect from them, including GVES, BTS, the Title IX office, the Police Department and more.
- October, November and December - Reach out to the Resistance Lab and please let them areas that you would like to learn more about!