Webinar with Dr. Christopher Liang on COVID-19 and trauma-informed schools approach
Jul. 17, 2020
Dr. Christopher Liang, professor of counseling psychology and chair, department of education and human services discussed the challenges of learning from home, and what resources and tools kids, caregivers, and teachers can use as we navigate through this time.
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About the Speaker
Dr. Christopher Liang 's Gender, Race, Inclusion, and Trauma lab is focused on four main areas of research and scholarship. The first area of his research seeks the understand the role of coping and cognitive processes in the association between perceived ethnic discrimination and mental health outcomes among people of color. His second area focuses on understanding the role of masculinity in the health-related and sexual behaviors of men, with a focus on help-seeking and gender-based violence. His third area of research addresses the intersections of gender, culture, and perceived discrimination in the lives of ethnic minority women and men in the United States. His last and main area of focus is examining the effectiveness of a modified evidence-based school-based intervention on the academic well-being of youth of color in urban settings. A current focus of his work is to implement and test the effectiveness of the trauma-informed schools approach.
The purpose of his research lines is to determine effective individual-level, systems-level, and policy-oriented interventions. For instance, Dr. Liang has worked with school districts, Universities, Departments of Health and Human Services, as well as not-for-profit community organizations to strengthen their capacity to serve diverse children, youth, and families, particularly in the context of trauma. He also has provided consultation on diversity and inclusion to leaders in a Fortune 500 company. Dr. Liang currently serves on the Editorial Board of The Counseling Psychologist and the Psychology of Men and Masculinity and is a past President of Division 51 (Society for the Psychological Study of Men and Masculinity) of the American Psychological Association. He coauthored the book, Handbook of Multicultural Measures and co-edited The Costs of Racism for People of Color: Contextualizing Experiences of Discrimination. He is a recipient of the honor of "Citizen Psychologist" from the American Psychological Association, and is a Fellow of Division 45, Society for the Psychological Study of Culture, Ethnicity, and Race.