2025 Sydney Conference

Generous Gift Makes Travel to Australia Conference Possible

COE students Yalitza Corcino-Davis and Jillian Boshkoski visited Melbourne, Australia this spring to present their research at the International Congress of School Effectiveness and Improvement (ICSEI) this spring. Yalitza is a doctoral student in the COE's Educational Leadership (EDL) program while Jillian is a doctoral student in our Teaching, Learning and Technology program. 

Yalitza is presenting “Hispanic Students' Perceptions of Access to Dual Enrollment Programs.” Jillian is presenting “Exploring Social Validity and Factors Associated with Implementation of Computer-Assisted Reading Instruction.”

The COE was able to support their travel to ICSEI from a donation by Mrs. Kathleen Stringfield, in memory and honor of her husband Dr. Sam Stringfield. Dr. Stringfield was EDL Director Dr. Craig Hochbain's mentor and an active member of ICSEI. His research on school effectiveness and school improvement continues to influence scholars, policymakers and educators.

Dr. Stringfield's application of tenets from high reliability organizations to schools provided a framework and evidence to guide improvement efforts. You can read about his research here: https://bit.ly/3WXEuzp

Thank you to Mrs. Stringfield for your generosity and supporting our students.