Katrina Hermetet

Hermetet Advocates for People with TS

"Baylen Out Loud" is a new series on TLC that offers a window into the life of Baylen Dupree, a young woman living with Tourette Syndrome (TS).

“It is truly my dream job, and there is not a day that goes by that I don't think about or mention my time on South Mountain. Lehigh made me.”

Katrina Hermetet 15, Vice President of Medical & Scientific Affairs at the Tourette Association of America, contributed to an article that provides TLC viewers with valuable insights into Tourette Syndrome and tic disorders. It’s a resource designed to help audiences better understand what they’re seeing and foster greater understanding. Hermetet also makes an appearance in Episode 3 of “Baylen Out Loud” and provided medical advisory for all information about TS throughout the series.

In addition to her Ph.D. in Pediatric School Psychology received through Lehigh’s College of Education, Hermetet received her master’s degree in Psychology with a cognitive development concentration from Lehigh’s College of Arts and Sciences. Hermetet is also a Nationally Certified School Psychologist.

“It is truly my dream job, and there is not a day that goes by that I don't think about or mention my time on South Mountain. Lehigh made me,” Hermetet said.

Read TS article on TLC's website at https://bit.ly/3CuLzAf