Research Informed by Culture
Sep 25, 2013
Brandon Knettel, a doctoral student in counseling psychology at Lehigh, takes an ethnographic approach to his research. “My view is that no intervention can be effective if it isn…
Sep 25, 2013
Brandon Knettel, a doctoral student in counseling psychology at Lehigh, takes an ethnographic approach to his research. “My view is that no intervention can be effective if it isn…
Sep 24, 2013
With more than 1,350 publications and presentations behind him, Perry Zirkel is one of the most cited authors in education law. He has published and presented his work on empirical and practical anal…
Sep 18, 2013
Preschool helps give young children a leg up when they enter kindergarten. But research shows some young kids—namely, dual language learners (DLLs)—need additional support to reap maximum b…
Sep 11, 2013
KingSpry's Education Law Practice Group partnered with Lehigh University’s Center for Developing Urban Educational Leaders (CDUEL) and the Pennridge School District to bring internationally known edu…
Aug 26, 2013
Knettel, a doctoral student in counseling psychology at Lehigh, is studying mental health conditions in Tanzania. In 2009 and 2010, Knettel taught at a Tanzanian university with a counseling educatio…
Aug 26, 2013
The Community Health cluster will be headed up by a core group of five faculty from the College of Arts and Sciences and the College of Education. They are: Chris Burke, assistant professor in the de…