The Reverse Gender Gap
Oct 10, 2013
Written by Lini S. Kadaba | Illustrations by Laurindo Feliciano The data is indisputable: Boys now lag behind girls in several significant areas of education. But the roots of the new gender gap…
Oct 10, 2013
Written by Lini S. Kadaba | Illustrations by Laurindo Feliciano The data is indisputable: Boys now lag behind girls in several significant areas of education. But the roots of the new gender gap…
Oct 3, 2013
Just off a busy four-lane strip mall-lined road, within a quiet neighborhood in Jeffersontown, Kentucky, rests Jeffersontown High School. When arriving at the school, visitor…
Oct 1, 2013
Many people hear the term “sex trafficking” and think of Third World countries. But youth all over the United States—including the Lehigh Valley—become victims of sexual slavery every day. …
Sep 30, 2013
For the next issue of Theory to Practice magazine, the Lehigh University College of Education brought together two experts—alumnus Peter Langman, Ph.D., author of Why Kids Kill: Inside…
Sep 29, 2013
Parents and teachers often hear about the importance of keeping young children engaged. In the education research world, this engagement translates to the amount of time children spend inte…
Sep 26, 2013
A fresh, new idea is growing—quite literally—on the Mountaintop Campus, home to the College of Education. On a hill near the staff parking lot is an organic garden with eight small raised beds. In th…