Afton Elementary Named 2019 National Blue Ribbon School Under Direction of Alum and Adjunct Professor, Dr. Joseph Masgai
Oct. 21, 2019
Afton Elementary School in the Pennsbury School District has been designated an Exemplary Achievement Gap Closing National Blue Ribbon school for 2019. U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos made the announcement from Washington, D.C. In making the announcement, Betsy DeVos noted, "As a National Blue Ribbon School, your school demonstrates what is possible when committed educators hold all students and staff to high standards and create vibrant, innovative cultures of teaching and learning."
The source of pride for this recognition is rooted in Afton being nominated by the Pennsylvania Department of Education as one of only thirteen schools across the Commonwealth based upon longitudinal data on student growth and achievement. The entire Afton community celebrates the designation as 2019 National Blue Ribbon School and is thrilled to bring this title to Bucks County and the Pennsbury School District.
Afton Principal and Lehigh University Educational Leadership graduate, Dr. Joseph P. Masgai (2017), is looking forward to the award ceremony that will take place in Washington, D.C. this November where he will receive Afton's Blue Ribbon Flag and Award Plaque. Dr. Masgai made special recognition to Lehigh University, and specifically the Educational Leadership Program, as a major contributor to achieving Blue Ribbon.
"I tip my hat to my alma mater, and especially the Educational Leadership Department, for instilling me with the skills, talents, and vision to achieve Blue Ribbon status,” said Dr. Masgai. “Thank you for your investment in me,” and then he echoed Secretary DeVos words, “and for providing me with 'high standards and a vibrant, innovative culture of teaching and learning' at Lehigh. You share in this accomplishment."
“Our faculty congratulates all of the educators at Afton who worked to provide every student with a high-quality educational experience, said Dr. Craig Hochbein, associate professor of Lehigh’s Educational Leadership program. “As a graduate of and instructor in our program, we are especially proud of how Joe’s leadership positively influenced students’ lives.”
Dr. Masgai has been an educator and instructional leader for the past twenty-nine years. The last twenty-two years of his career have been in service to the Pennsbury School District located in Bucks County, PA as a secondary English teacher and an elementary principal. He is presently the proud principal of Afton Elementary School, also a State and National School of Character, and has served as principal for the past eleven years. Dr. Masgai is an adjunct professor in the graduate College of Education at Lehigh University where he teaches several educational leadership courses.