Zirkel Reaches Milestone - 1,600th Article Published
Jun. 16, 2020
Perry A. Zirkel is university professor emeritus of education and law at Lehigh University and has reached one of the most prolific and cited authors in education law, marked a significant milestone with the publication of his 1,600th article, Through a Glass Darkly: Eligibility under the IDEA—The Blurry Boundary of the Special Education Need Prong in the Journal of Law & Education.
Zirkel’s scholarly activity spans more than 45 years.
He won the 2016 Steven S. Goldberg Award for Distinguished Scholarship in education law. The award is presented annually in recognition of outstanding scholarly writing that has an impact on education law.
You can read more about Dr. Zirkel on his website, access his Curriculum Vitae here and also search our News stories to follow along with his education law updates. Dr. Zirkel continues to run a 1-day Special Education Law Conference and a 1-week Special Education Law Symsposium that are both known to sell out quickly.