Monday, April 24

How quickly do preschoolers learn vocabulary, beginning sounds, rhyming and concepts? Is it possible to evaluate their growth? If so, how frequently should educators measure preschoolers' literacy skills so that instructional changes can be made?

"We don't know,"... Continue reading »

Monday, April 24

Many preschool children learn language incidentally—that is, children learn vocabulary, grammar and social patterns of language through listening to parents, siblings and teachers who talk around them.

Not so for children with language impairments. They struggle... Continue reading »

Monday, April 24

The woman was a crack user, engaged in the sex trade and living on the streets of San Salvador. When Julia Lechuga and other public health advocates first met her, she was seeking respite at a soup kitchen in... Continue reading »

Monday, April 24

Creativity expert Sir Ken Robinson argued Tuesday for a shift in focus in today’s educational system—from one centered on conformity, compliance and linearity to one that encourages diversity, creativity and personalized learning.

Speaking at Lehigh as part of the... Continue reading »

Friday, April 21

Sir Ken Robinson, a world-renowned speaker on creativity in education, spoke at Lehigh on Tuesday as a part of the College of Education’s Distinguished Lecture Series: Leaders of Practice.

Friday, April 21

Sperandio, an associate professor in the College of Education, will be teaching and conducting research for her book on the history of girls’ education in Azerbaijan, a nation east of Turkey.

Sperandio, an associate professor in the College of Education, will be... Continue reading »

Media Inquiries

Amy White, Associate Director, Media Relations, by email or phone (610) 758-6656.


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