Student Ambassadors

Lauren Tillstrom Biegley

Lauren Tillstrom Biegley, Teaching, Learning and Technology PhD program,

I am a third-year PhD student in the Teaching, Learning, and Technology program and a mom to two young children. My professional background is as a former elementary teacher and prior to that I worked in corporate sales and project management. Career interests and experiences evolve over time and I am a firm believer in lifelong learning.

My research interests are centered around the intersection of teaching, learning, and communication. Specifically, I am focused on investigating how public speaking influences teachers and students and how technology changes these and other learning contexts. As a student ambassador, I am committed to sharing my experiences and insights. Whether you're seeking guidance on navigating the challenges of academia, exploring research opportunities, or simply looking for a supportive resource, I am here to help you embark on your academic journey with confidence.

I look forward to connecting with you and being a resource as you embark on your academic journey! Feel free to reach out to me with any questions or to learn more about the exciting opportunities awaiting you in our program.

Connect with Lauren! Email her with questions, or to set up a meeting.

Shelby DiPierro

Shelby DiPierro, School Psychology EdS program,

I'm a first-year Ed.S student in the School Psychology Program. Originally, I am from Long Island, NY. I chose school psychology because I am passionate about making a positive difference in children's lives! My main areas of interest are in promoting social-emotional well-being, positive school environments, family-school collaboration, internalizing behaviors, and testing.

In the COE, I have a graduate assistantship (GA) in the COE Admissions Office, I am involved in two labs, and assist in administering benchmark math assessments! Additionally, I love giving back to the community through volunteering!

Connect with Shelby! Email her with questions, or to set up a meeting.

Hailey Hoffman

Hailey Hoffman, Teaching & Learning MEd,

Bio in progress

Lauren Lehane

Lauren Lahane, Behavior Analysis MEd,

Bio in progress

Thein Mwae Yee

Thein Mwae Yee, Teaching & Learning MEd,

Bio in progress

Marimah Northcut

Marimah Northcut, Special Education MEd,

Bio in progress.

Connect with Marimah! Email her or visit her pop-up "office hours": 10:00 AM Eastern Time, Saturday, August 3rd and Sunday, August 4th. 

Zoe Tashlik

Zoe Tashlik, 4+1 Accelerated Master's Program,

My name is Zoe, and I am enrolled in Lehigh's 4+1 Accelerated Master's Program. I am originally from Long Island, NY but I consider Lehigh my second home. I graduated Lehigh with a BA in Political Science, and am excited for one more year as a graduate student to earn a MEd and certification to teach 7-12 Social Studies! 

During the spring semester of my junior year, I studied abroad in Madrid, Spain. As an undergraduate at Lehigh, I participated in the tour guide program, greek life, the Hawkathon dance marathon, and community service in the Bethlehem area. I love Taylor Swift, and in my free time, I enjoy running along scenic routes. I am excited to share my incredible experience at Lehigh, both as an undergraduate and graduate student in the 4+1 program! 

Connect with Zoe! Email her with questions, or to set up a meeting.