Section 504 Coordinators Institute
If you are a school district Section 504 coordinator or otherwise have an interest in Section 504 and the ADA, consider this two-day institute.
In the context of K–12 students, this session will provide a systematic, comprehensive, and up-to-date comparison among Section 504, the ADA, and the IDEA in terms of the respectively applicable legislation, regulations, and case law.
The registration fee for the 2-day Institute is $495 and you may learn more about the program and also register here.
The symposium will begin on Monday morning. The Keynote Address by Senator Chris Murphy and Attorney Cathy Holahan will be Monday evening at 7:00 p.m. Please visit our Highlights page for more information.
The symposium will again overlap with a separable two-day (June 24-25) Section 504 Coordinators Institute, designed to provide both a conceptual framework and “nuts and bolts” implementation guidance for school personnel designated to implement this emerging non-discrimination statute. An added focus will consider the importance of Section 504/ADA in schools during the pandemic. Click on Section 504 Coordinators Institute for more information.
Twenty-three accomplished special education attorneys will present eight new “hot topics” in three-hour sessions. The topics have been chosen because they are present both in the latest court decisions and in the daily practice of special education attorneys. Click on Legally Experienced Track Hot Topics. A Legally Basic track will concurrently offer foundation topics under the IDEA and Section 504. See the 2021 Schedule (access through the brown banner at the top of this page).
The 2021 Special Education Law Symposium faculty will include the following twenty-three attorneys (both sides and from across the country): Jean Adams (California), Steven Aleman (Texas), Laura Anthony (Ohio), Jason Ballum (Virginia), Hope Blackburn (New Jersey), Matt Cohen (Illinois), Andrew Faust (Pennsylvania), Brian Jason Ford (Pennsylvania), Kate Gerland (Colorado), Justin Gilbert (Tennessee), Craig Goodmark (Georgia), Eileen Hagerty (Massachusetts), Eric Herlan (Maine), Rachel Hitch (North Carolina), Isabel Machado (New Jersey), Jose Martin (Texas), Thomas Mayes (Iowa), Dr. Anne McGinnis (New York), Catherine Michael (Indiana), Frances Shefter (Maryland), Parris Taylor (Louisiana), Jessica Varn (Florida), Dr. Perry Zirkel (Pennsylvania), as well as school administrator Edward D’Addio (Massachusetts), and Dr. Summer Whitmore, Executive Director, EDSCLA (Louisiana).
Dr. Perry Zirkel, Lehigh University professor emeritus of education and law, will conclude the symposium on Friday afternoon with “A Legal Snapshot of COVID-19 Issues for Public Schools, with the Primary Focus on Special Education,” following the Friday AM’s traditional National Case Law Update.
Contact Information:
For program and content information:
Perry Zirkel, Co-Director
Lehigh University, College of Education
111 Research Drive
Behtlehem, PA 18015
James Newcomer, Co-Director
321 Joshua Tree Drive
Collegeville, PA 19426
For registration or technical issues:
Donna Johnson and Shannon Weber
Lehigh University
111 Research Drive, B206
Bethlehem, PA 18015