Economic Stressors on Families with Children with Disabilities Increases


Through the second quarter of 2010, the numbers looked daunting: a 9.5 percent unemployment rate and an economy that grew just 2.4 percent.

And matters only seemed to be getting worse as those concerns found their way into American homes. According to a benefits survey conducted by the Hartford, almost 25 percent of people have taken on additional work, while nearly 75 percent felt “moderately stressed” about their family’s predicament.

For families with children with disabilities, the current economic environment can make home life exponentially more difficult, says Brenna Wood, assistant professor of special education.

“Creating a home environment for social and emotional growth is critical, but many families are having a hard time adjusting to the new economic reality. Home has become a pressure-filled environment.”

Although some children “grow out” of their problem behaviors, studies confirm that many engage in severe aggression and disruption throughout their school years, putting them at a greater risk for school failure, delinquency and substance abuse.

Researchers have consequently found an increase in punitive teacher-child interactions.

Unfortunately, the trouble doesn’t end there. When parents turned to childcare providers for support and respite, researchers found these children were three times more likely to be expelled from their childcare program than other K-12 students—further limiting their opportunities to learn appropriate social communication and emotional regulation skills. It is estimated almost half will be placed in special education programs by the time they reach the fourth grade.

Special education experts like Wood are looking to help families readjust during difficult times,allowing for a stronger support relationship that can survive the tumultuous recession.

“It’s about keeping things in perspective,” says Wood, who studies early intervention and positive behavioral support methods at Lehigh. “With all that is going on—with so many outside stressors impacting daily life—it’s important for parents and teachers alike to be even stronger advocates for children with special needs.”