News - All

Friday, November 22

Community college program proves effective in strengthening entrepreneurial and STEM skills of students―largely women, minorities and immigrants.

Ninety-nine percent of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) jobs in the U.S. require some form of postsecondary education. Yet, degree holders in science and engineering fields... Read more »

Tuesday, October 15

A heartening new Lehigh University study found that when caregivers respond to their baby’s need for attention, they need only to “get it right” half the time to provide a secure base for baby. As study author... Read more »

Friday, October 11

Two years ago, amid the liveliness of the first weeks of a new academic year, Vicki Jagdeo ’21 sensed a certain quietness around the Lehigh campus—not the usual type of quietness, as there was certainly an energy among students who were reuniting after summer vacation. Instead, Jagdeo was noticing a lack of conversation about... Read more »