News - All

Saturday, October 22

Brook Sawyer, assistant professor of Teaching, Learning and Technology, received a three-year, $1.5 million grant from the Institute of Education Sciences to develop and assess the promise of Parents Plus: Language Coach. The online tool, coupled with individual coaching, aims to educate parents... Read more »

Thursday, October 13

As she conducted classroom observations on preschool language and literacy instruction, Brook Sawyer often noticed that the students who did not speak English proficiently would sit alone, uninvolved and often ignored. Their monolingual English-speaking teachers didn't know how to engage them in learning, she says, and... Read more »

Wednesday, October 5

"Knowledge," said the Greek philosopher Plato, "is the food of the soul." Lehigh students who participated in a summer civic engagement project now know first-hand that knowledge can also feed hungry mouths.

Five undergraduates and one graduate student explored the issues of food access and security in the neighborhood around the... Read more »

Saturday, October 1

Robert Fulghum penned the best-selling credo "Everything I need to know I learned in kindergarten," but, as the interdisciplinary group of Lehigh faculty that launched the Early Development and Education Initiative know, that's only part of the story.

How well children perform later in school hinges on how well they do early on, even... Read more »

Thursday, September 22

Can virtual building blocks help young children develop geometric and spatial skills? A Mountaintop team, led by Robin Hojnoski, associate professor of School Psychology, and Michael Spear, assistant professor of Computer Science and Engineering, is... Read more »