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Wednesday, January 15

When Luke Shafnisky walks out of his office each morning, he's greeted by the faces of Allen High School principals who came before him. There's the portrait of Daniel Ham, principal from 1912-44. Clifford Bartholomew, 1946-69. John McHugh, 1971-82. And several others.

Monday, January 6
About 20 years ago, doctors were struggling to get the medical community to recognize attention deficit hyperactivity disorder as a legitimate syndrome that needed a drug treatment. Today, ADHD is widely diagnosed. A recent New York Times article highlighted the pronounced growth in diagnoses of the condition... Read more »
Monday, December 9

When it comes to schools like J-town, the numbers don’t always add up. Rankings by average student literacy and numeracy proficiency cannot appropriately value the often impressive and unexpected accomplishments of great schools. 

Monday, December 9

The educators lean forward in their chairs and tilt their heads to ponder the situation from a new perspective. They furrow their brows, contemplating how they will answer the question hanging over the room.

The question that the teachers, principals, and administrators woke up early on a fall Saturday morning to answer is this: What is... Read more »

Thursday, October 31

The grading, judging, and ranking of schools has spiraled out of control. On multiple occasions, the systems involved have demonstrated their susceptibility to manipulation, as well as corruption. At the same time, systematic rankings of schools have not established their ability to cause or sustain school improvement, let alone enhanced... Read more »