Monday, August 26

Although she’s spent most of her professional life focused on education, Dr. Kaitlin Anderson’s left college in 2009 with a degree in commerce and economics and headed for a job with Bank of America.

But... Continue reading »

Monday, August 26

The first major party nomination for a woman was triumphant, but much like the 2008 Election highlighted racism within the U.S., the 2016 election highlighted the role of sexism in the U.S. as both Clinton and Trump were subject to criticism from their own parties and... Continue reading »

Tuesday, August 20

Lehigh University is partnering with the Allentown School District to implement a principal residency program that is designed to bolster clinical experiences for aspiring school leaders and better prepare them for managing daily workloads and long-range... Continue reading »

Tuesday, July 2

Dr. Brian G. Osborne comes to Lehigh’s College of Education with an impressive resume. 

Five years as superintendent at the City School District New Rochelle. Another seven years as superintendent at the ... Continue reading »

Monday, July 1

Computational thinking is one of the biggest buzzwords in education—it’s even been called the ‘5th C’ of 21st... Continue reading »

Monday, July 1

An assistant principal in the Allentown School District has been named to lead Louis Dieruff High School.

The Allentown school board on Thursday approved the appointment of Michael G. Makhoul as principal of Dieruff High School. Makhoul, who holds a Bachelor's... Continue reading »

Media Inquiries

Amy White, Associate Director, Media Relations, by email or phone (610) 758-6656.


Meet Our Faculty

Dr. Lia E. Sandilos

School Psychology and Counseling