Thursday, May 2

The Perry A. Zirkel Award for Distinguished Teaching in Education recognizes a current, full-time faculty member in the College of Education. The 2019 awardee is... Continue reading »

Thursday, May 2

It’s rare for the parents of students with disabilities to prevail in legal battles against Maryland school districts. In the past five years, they’ve lost more than 85 percent of the time, state education department documents show, even after investing tens of thousands... Continue reading »

Wednesday, May 1

On April 29, 2019, Bethlehem Area School District (BASD) hired three new elementary school principals - all of whom earned their leadership credentials/master’s degrees through Lehigh University: Erin Hines, Erin Martin-Medina and Courtney Wertman-Stambaugh. 

Wednesday, May 1

Jessica Condolo Hubsch ’18G, who received a master’s in globalization and educational change from Lehigh’s College of Education, has been awarded a Fulbright English Teaching Assistant Scholarship to Portugal.

In that role,... Continue reading »

Tuesday, April 23

The Lindback Foundation Distinguished Principal Award is given annually to Philadelphia School District school leaders “who have made significant leadership and humanitarian contributions” to their school communities. The award comes with a $20,000 prize for each... Continue reading »

Thursday, April 18

Nina Ventresco, school psychology student, has been selected as a recipient of the 2019 Pennsylvania Psychological Foundation's Education Awards. 

The Pennsylvania Psychological Foundation (PPF) established monetary awards to be given to graduate students in... Continue reading »

Media Inquiries

Amy White, Associate Director, Media Relations, by email or phone (610) 758-6656.


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