Responsibility, Intensity, Creativity: Global Citizenship Education and the Crises of 2020 | International

Join us for a dynamic virtual conversation around the themes of responsibility, intensity and creativity This year pushed the world into a new era, drastically and abruptly changing the way we relate and live. With fear of the Other, violence and uncertainty rising, the need to foster a desire to understand those unlike us and to commit to the larger good of the world is intense, indeed. As educators, we are front-line even while on Zoom. How do we respond?Where is creativity exploding in response to the crises, and how do creative modes help us document, cope, protest or engender change?What is our responsibility as educators, and how do shifting intensities direct us to act?How might we intensify our work productively in order to respond?Please join us in this free virtual conference to discuss these and other questions. We are inviting educators across the world who intervene at varying levels. Session formats vary from participatory/workshop mode, to watching a panel or an individual talk, to interview, followed by Q&A.

A Panel Discussion on the Impact of COVID-19 on School and Career Counseling in India Webinar

The conversation centers on exploring the challenges and opportunities brought about by the pandemic on school and career counseling in India. The conversation also includes recommendations for practice that are responsive to the cultural context during and after the pandemic.
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Teachers, Leaders and the Community Address Issues of Equity During COVID-19 and Beyond

Lehigh Educational Rounds are an open forum for educators and those interested in education. The recent April session on this topic was inspiring and provided an important forum for educators, parents, and other community members to share experiences, perspectives, and resources. We will continue the conversation in the May session. Rounds are open to all, so please feel free to invite others to join in including students. Ideally, this will be capped at 50 participants. Zoom invites will be sent to those that RSVP directly to Professor Jon Drescher at

Socratic Rounds: Teachers, Leaders, and The Community, Working to Ensure Equity during COVID-19 - Online

Lehigh Educational Rounds are an open forum for educators and those interested in education. Each Rounds begins with a provocative question, article, or line of research that is discussed in small groups. Then a synopsis of these small group discussions is shared within the entire group. Free and open to all.
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Helping Kids, Caregivers, and Teachers Cope During COVID-19 Changes, with Dr. Chris Liang

Join us for a live, online discussion with Dr. Christopher Liang, associate professor and chair, department of education and human services as we discuss the challenges learning from home has presented, and what resources and tools kids, caregivers, and teachers can use as we navigate through this time. Can’t join us live? Register for the talk, and you’ll automatically receive a link to the recording. Zoom Registration Link: