
The central mission of research conducted by faculty and students in Lehigh’s College of Education is to improve the lives of individuals across the lifespan by enhancing educational, psychological, and social functioning.

We accomplish this mission by conducting research that is relevant and accessible to our stakeholders including school and mental health professionals, policy makers, and families. We believe that research is critically important in informing and improving educational and mental health policy and practice. Thus, the community is our “laboratory” in that we conduct research in collaboration with our stakeholders to address critical issues that affect the daily lives of students, families, and adults. And our research involves data collection at the “point of performance”, i.e., in the real world settings and timeframes where behaviors of interest occur. 

Experts Guide

Research in Service to Society

Lehigh COE Experts Guide

Although our college is relatively small in terms of number of faculty, we are extraordinarily productive in the quantity, quality, and breadth of our research and scholarship. This is reflected by traditional academic metrics of publication rates, citations by other scholars, and receipt of grant research funding. More importantly, our faculty, students, and alumni produce work of lasting impact on educational and mental health practice in schools and communities as well as on development and implementation of policy.

Our work covers a wide spectrum of issues that are important to the community such as examining the effects of interventions on the educational and psychological functioning of youth and adults with disabilities (e.g., autism, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, learning disorders); measuring children’s school readiness and academic skills over time; examining the origins of gender roles and their impact on the psychological status of individuals and communities; or assessing factors that improve the daily practice of school building principals. Of particular note is our Center for Promoting Research to Practice that has produced dozens of studies that have improved school- and community-based services for individuals with educational and mental health disabilities. 

Featured Research

Monday, July 8
Armando Quiroz Asks, “How Do We Define Language Mastery?”

When Armando Quiroz was growing up, Spanish was a gateway to his community, how he spoke with his grandmother and how he paid attention in church. “Spanish was a tool to feel connection,” he says...

Thursday, April 25
Juan Zheng Receives TICL Outstanding Early Career Researcher Award

Zheng's research focuses on integrating artificial intelligence and computer simulations into science, technology, engineering and mathematics education.

STORY BY Editorial Services


Monday, February 19
New Research Highlights Link Between School Shootings and Violence Against Women

Research led by Nicole Johnson, associate professor of counseling psychology, finds that 70% of school shooters have perpetrated violence against women and can influence prevention strategies....

We endeavor to ensure that our research directly improves educational and mental health practice across local, national, and global communities.

Dr. George DuPaul, Associate Dean for Research

Meet Our Faculty

Dr. Susan Woodhouse

Addressing Mental Health and Health Inequities, Attachment, Atypical Functioning and Development, Communities and Families, Developmental Psychopathology, Emotional Functioning, Emotional/Behavioral Disorders, Home Visiting Interventions, Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health, Mental Health, Neighborhoods and Communities, Parenting, Prevention, Psychophysiology of Stress and Regulation, Psychotherapy/intervention Process and Outcome, School Psychology and Counseling, Social and Emotional Development, Stress and Adversity

Dr. Minyi Dennis

Assessment methods in special education, Mathematics disabilities, Mathematics intervention

Dr. Craig Hochbein

School and District Reform, School and Organizational Leadership

Research News

Monday, May 9
K-12 Dive: Ed Department begins review of often misunderstood Section 504 rules

A recent article by K-12 Dive cites Perry A. Zirkel's findings in regards to reevaluating Section 504.

"The U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights is requesting public...

Thursday, October 29
Math Ed Podcast: From interpretation to instructional practice: A network study of early-career teachers

Ken Frank from Michigan State University and Jihyun Kim from Lehigh University discuss their article, "From interpretation to instructional practice: A network study of early-career teachers'...

Thursday, October 29
Due Process Hearing and Written State Complaint Activity for COVID-19 Issues: A Six-Month Snapshot

In addition to the alternative forms of dispute resolution under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), the two decisional avenues are adjudicative and investigative. The...

Research Centers

Centennial School

Centennial School pursues two principal missions; serving children and youth with educational disabilities and preparing high quality teachers to enter the workforce of special education.

Center for Promoting Research to Practice

The Center for Promoting Research to Practice generates knowledge that impacts the lives of individuals with, or at risk for disabilities. 

Autism Services Clinic

Lehigh University Autism Services is a university-based research and professional training center for autism spectrum disorders.