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Thursday, April 16
Charter school lotteries are fixed. I am not suggesting operators have systematic ways to populate schools with high-achieving students. For the most part, this is a misconception propagated by charter school detractors. However, even when operators entice lottery participation, voluntary entry skews the composition of charter populations. To... Read more »
Thursday, April 2

On Saturday, March 21, Michelle Obama visited Hun Sen Prasat Bakong High School in Siem Reap province to promote the education initiative "Let Girls Learn." She met with ten girls from the senior class to discuss the obstacles they face in acquiring a quality education and to encourage them to pursue their education despite the challenges and... Read more »

Friday, March 20
After 11 persistently low-performing high schools in Jefferson County, Ky., posted impressive gains on the state-administered tests in math, various leaders and groups near and far clamored to claim responsibility for the improvements. These stakeholders cited public accountability measures, supplemental school funding, replacement of... Read more »
Tuesday, March 3
From her vantage point in a foyer of Lincoln Elementary School in Bethlehem, Principal Benita Draper can keep tabs on students as they head to classes or pass through the halls at different times throughout the school day. Last fall some Lehigh University faculty and graduate assistants kept tabs on her.
Draper was... Read more »
Wednesday, February 18

Debate about the implementation of the Common Core State Standards has reached a fever pitch, but also an intellectual low.

Unfortunately, the multitude of speeches and essays that decry or support the Common Core contain substantial fervor, but little substance. Misinformation and unsubstantiated claims have marred both the pro and con... Read more »