News - All

Monday, August 26

Knettel, a doctoral student in counseling psychology at Lehigh, is studying mental health conditions in Tanzania. In 2009 and 2010, Knettel taught at a Tanzanian university with a counseling education program to teach primary and secondary school teachers to recognize mental health problems in their students—for instance, being able to... Read more »

Monday, August 26

The Community Health cluster will be headed up by a core group of five faculty from the College of Arts and Sciences and the College of Education. They are: Chris Burke, assistant professor in the department of psychology; Judith Lasker, professor in the department of sociology and anthropology; George White, professor in the College of... Read more »

Tuesday, July 16

Principals, along with teachers and the public, often have perceptions about key issues in school law that are remarkably wrong. Yet, principals help reinforce these prevailing misperceptions by sharing them with others, ultimately contributing to misguided practices and policies.

Tuesday, July 16

Special education appeared to be an afterthought when No Child Left Behind was passed nearly 10 years ago. Now there is a a growing and vocal consensus that the legislation needs to be fixed... quickly.

In a recent episode of “The Daily Show,” host Jon Stewart asked U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, “What’s going on with No Child... Read more »

Tuesday, July 16

No matter which way you drill down, the controversial process of fracking is part of the national lexicon. Lehigh contemplates the political, social, economic and technological challenges of fracking - and how best to teach it.