Monday, May 7

Dr. Jessica Henderson Daniel, American Psychological Association (APA) President, has recognized Dr. Christopher Liang, professor of Counseling Psychology, as a Citizen Psychologist President. This initiative recognizes APA member psychologists who are recognized as... Continue reading »

Monday, May 7

School districts continued to win most disputes over individualized education programs in the year since a U.S. Supreme Court decision affirmed a more ambitious standard for setting goals for students with disabilities, according to a new analysis.

Perry Zirkel,... Continue reading »

Friday, May 4

William Gaudelli, professor of social studies and chair of the department of arts and humanities at Columbia University’s Teachers College, has been named the next dean of Lehigh’s College of Education. He will succeed Gary Sasso, who last year announced his plans to... Continue reading »

Monday, April 30

A year after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that schools must offer students with disabilities an education reasonably calculated to enable them to "make progress appropriate in light of the child's circumstances," what has changed? On one hand, not much, if evaluating the... Continue reading »

Monday, April 9

Lehigh doctoral students and faculty who evaluated a training program for community health workers in rural southeast Haiti have won the 2017 Pittu Laungani Award for best paper published in the International Journal of Health Promotion and Education.

The... Continue reading »

Tuesday, April 3

Some educators feel bilingualism is "too lofty a goal" for English-language learners with disabilities, an attitude that could limit the educational trajectory of an already underserved population, a Lehigh University study found.

During a seven-month ethnographic... Continue reading »

Media Inquiries

Amy White, Associate Director, Media Relations, by email or phone (610) 758-6656.


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