Wednesday, October 12

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD, has quietly become one of America’s most critical public health crises. The incurable disorder is responsible for upward of $52 billion in health care costs every year—nearly $17,500 per individual, according to the... Continue reading »

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Thursday, October 6

Education law is forever evolving, but every once in a while, Congress or the courts make a significant change to the playing field in the school context. Here, Perry Zirkel, professor of education and law, offers five of these significant legal developments to affect... Continue reading »

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Monday, September 5

Debunking a long held misperception, Perry Zirkel says the last 20 years of the 20th century were not an especially litigious time period for the educational community.

That changed rather quickly in 2001, says Zirkel, a renowned legal scholar from Lehigh... Continue reading »

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Thursday, June 23

Private tutoring has become an essential part of the educational experience for a majority of students in Central Asia. Many families choose to invest in private tutoring in order to increase their children’s academic competitiveness and improve their chances of entering... Continue reading »

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Friday, January 7

The British publication Lancet, one of the world’s leading medical journals, has retracted a 1998 research study that touched off years of speculation that common childhood vaccines caused autism.
The study by Dr. Andrew Wakefield claimed that vaccines for... Continue reading »

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Friday, December 10

The idea of self-plagiarism “on first impression sounds like an oxymoron,” Perry Zirkel, professor of education and law, writes in an opinion article titled "A Study of Self-Plagiarism" appearing in Inside Higher Ed. "As a... Continue reading »

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Media Inquiries

Amy White, Associate Director, Media Relations, by email or phone (610) 758-6656.


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