Year 1 Activities (2021-2022 School Year)


During Year 1, teachers and district partners will support the STAY program in the following ways:

Districts, Schools, and Intermediate Units

Support recruitment of the following groups of school personnel to participate in a one-time focus group lasting approximately 2 hours: 

  • 6-8 beginning teachers
    To qualify for the study, the beginning teacher must (a) have three or less years of experience teaching special education, (b) teach at least one student with autism in an elementary-level classroom, and (c) work in a high-needs school or district.

  • 6-8 experienced mentor teachers
    To qualify for the study, experienced mentor teachers must (a) have experience formally mentoring a beginning elementary-level special education teacher (b) work in a high-needs school or district.

  • 6-8 school or district level administrators 
    Examples of school or district level administrators include principals, assistant principals, and special education administrators. To qualify for the study, administrators must work in a high-needs school or district.

  • 6-8 district or intermediate unit level specialists 
    Examples of district or intermediate unit level specialists include coaches, technical assistance providers, or related positions. To qualify for the study, specialists must work in a high-needs school or district.

Support observation of beginning teachers’ classrooms by project staff (10 total observations, lasting approximately 4-6 hours each) 

Teachers, Administrators, and District Specialists

Participate in a focus group lasting approximately 2 hours to share feedback on (a) in which areas novice teachers need the most support, (b) what induction and mentoring opportunities are currently available to teachers, and (c) how the components of the STAY induction program can be revised to increase feasibility and acceptability. 

Teachers, administrators, and district specialists who participate in focus groups in Year 1 of the study will receive a $150 stipend and will be reimbursed mileage for travel. 

Beginning teachers only: be observed once for 4-6 hours by project staff. Note: The purpose of these observations is to inform the development of the STAY induction program and ensure it is relevant and meets the needs of beginning teachers. Beginning teachers will receive a $25 Amazon gift card for participating in a classroom observation.