Year 3 Activities (2023-2024 School Year)


During Year 3, teachers and district partners will support the STAY program in the following ways: 

Districts, Schools, and Intermediate Units Activities

Support recruitment of the following groups of school personnel to participate in the STAY induction program:

  • Five beginning teachers 
    To qualify for the study, the beginning teacher must (a) have three or less years of experience teaching special education, (b) teach at least one student with autism in an elementary-level classroom, and (c) work in a high-needs school or district.

  • Five mentor teachers 
    To qualify for the study, mentor teachers must (a) have five or more years of experience teaching students with autism in an elementary-level special education classroom, (b) work in a high-needs school or district.

Beginning Teachers

  • Receive mentoring from a mentor teacher, attend trainings, observe exemplary teaching, participate in a teacher network, provide feedback in interviews, and complete pre- and post-study measures.

Beginning teachers who participate in Year 3 of Project STAY will receive a $1,000 stipend.

Mentor Teachers

Provide mentoring to a beginning teacher, attend trainings, model exemplary teaching, and provide feedback in interviews, and complete pre- and post-study measures. 

Mentor teachers who participate in Year 3 of Project STAY will receive a $1,000 stipend.