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Thursday, September 17

The American road to environmentalism is littered with myths and a general misunderstanding of our country’s greatest challenges.

The facts paint a startling picture: 45 million Americans think the ocean is a source of fresh water. Nearly 130 million believe that hydropower is America’s top energy source, when it accounts for just... Read more »

Wednesday, September 16

High school students who suffer from severe behavioral disorders face dire circumstances and a future tainted by risk.

By the time they leave high school, students with intensive behavioral disorders have dwindling options. A stint in jail is often more likely than a steady paycheck. 

“Over 50 percent of high school... Read more »

Tuesday, September 15

Despite all the headlines, the American public knows little about Autism Spectrum Disorder. It’s a misunderstanding that has consequences, including a price tag that reaches far into the billions.


In a February 2007 report, the Centers for Disease Control said that autism affects as many as 550,000 people under 21 years... Read more »

Thursday, September 10

In classrooms across America, students with special needs have quietly endured years of extensive physical and verbal abuse.

Faced with a rising number of incidents and an incriminating U.S. General Accounting Office investigative report on the abuse of special needs children, the house Committee on Education and Labor held a... Read more »

Sunday, September 6

Coal has long been synonymous with America’s industrial heritage and economic expansion. That doesn’t have to change: the United States has a 300-year supply of coal waiting to be tapped, a predicament that is at the heart of many policy and environmental debates today.

Despite our historical reliance on coal, though, only 42 percent of... Read more »