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Wednesday, August 4

Despite the emphasis on national and state science standards, few students understand much about energy and our nation's resources.

As the debate about the sustainability of the American lifestyle heats up, it is increasingly important that young people understand the science behind energy resources. And yet, in a recent study of 1,043... Read more »

Tuesday, August 3

The timing was ripe earlier this summer when Lehigh's Ed Shapiro visited Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. to talk with Senate staffers about methods of identifying and helping young children who have difficulties learning math and reading. 

U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan was just about ready to announce the second-round... Read more »

Sunday, August 1

Few people realize Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is incurable. The disorder can be managed, but it persists with people throughout their lifetime. Studies estimate that more then 4 percent of the adult population lives with ADHD.

The disorder has plagued adults during some of their most productive years. Michael Phelps... Read more »

Friday, July 16

Abolishing teacher tenure is not the panacea that its proponents contend it is, writes Perry Zirkel, professor of education and law, in an op-ed on the Washington Post education blog, The Answer Sheet

Zirkel concludes... Read more »

Friday, July 9

The return on investment of a Lehigh University degree ranks among the top dozen in the country, according to a study conducted for Bloomberg Businessweek.