Lehigh faculty and students to showcase research at PETE&C 2020
The Pennsylvania Educational Technology Expo and Conference (PETE&C) is a statewide event that provides quality programs focused on technology in the educational field. Each year, hundreds of exhibitors showcase their latest technology products and services to the vast audience of teachers, administrators, technology directors, school board members and more. Monday and Tuesday mornings kick off with keynote speakers that will both educate and inspire you. Throughout the three days, you can attend concurrent sessions and student showcases.
Monday, February 24
Wondering through Education
10:00 am - 12:00 pm, Ballroom Gallery
Rebecca Gibboney, Sara Heintzelman
Integrating Tech into 7th Grade 3D Geometry
2:30 - 3:30 pm, DLCC 335
Ruth Wells, Farah Vallera
Tuesday, February 25
Scaling Up Instruction with the ISTE Standard
9:30 - 10:30 am, DLCC 333
Ryan Carty, Sara Heintzelman
Creating a Culture of Engagement with iPads
2:15 - 3:15 pm, DLCC 334
Kelly Spradlin, Sara Heintzelman
Leveraging Universal Design & Assistive Technology to Promote Student Engagement
2:15 - 3:15 pm, DLCC 304
John Thygeson, Kallie Ziltz
Ten K-12 Data, AI & Machine Learning Projects
4:45 PM - 5:45, DLCC 303
Scott Garrigan
Wednesday, February 26
Leveling Up with Gamified PD!
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM, DLCC 308
Sara Heintzelman, Rebecca Gibboney