Project PEAK Presentations and Publications


DuPaul, G.J., Kern, L., Belk, G., Custer, B., Daffner, M., Hatfield, A., & Peek, D. (2018). Face-to-face vs. online behavioral parent training for young children at-risk for ADHD: Treatment engagement and outcomes. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 47(sup1), S369-S383.

DuPaul, G.J., Kern, L., Belk, G., Custer, B., Hatfield, A., Daffner, M., & Peek, D. (2018). Promoting parent engagement in behavioral intervention for young children with ADHD: Iterative treatment development. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 38, 42-53.


Lam, J. Kern, L., & DuPaul, G. J. (2024, February). Parenting, self-regulation, and sleep in preschoolers at risk for ADHD. Paper presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention. New Orleans, LA.

Morse, S. T., Ariol, M. A., Kern, L., Dever, B.V., & DuPaul, G. J. (2023, November). Initial response to BPT among preschoolers with ADHD and subsequent caregiver engagement. Poster presented at the Special Interest Group Exposition - Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Annual Conference. Seattle, WA.

Ariol, M. A., Morse, S. T., Kern, L., Dever, B.V., & DuPaul, G. J. (2023, November). Predictors of parent adherence in BPT for preschoolers with ADHD. Poster presented at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Annual Conference. Seattle, WA.

Lam, J., Rosenthal, E., Joell, I., Kern, L., & DuPaul, G. J. (2023, November). Sibling relationships, self-regulation, and parenting stress in young children at-risk for ADHD. Poster presented at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Annual Conference. Seattle, WA.

Nelson, A., Lam, J., Ahn, J., Dever, B.V., Kern, L., & DuPaul, G. J. (2023, November). Influence of sleep on parenting stress in young children who are at-risk for ADHD. Poster presented at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Annual Conference. Seattle, WA.

Jung, H. J., Shi, C., Dever, B., Kern, L., & DuPaul, G. J. (August 2023). Parenting Stress Moderates Link between ADHD-Related Behaviors and Parent Attributions Regarding Child Behavior. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC. 

Chunta, A., Ahn, J.H, Chen, R., & Clarke, S. (February, 2022). Supporting Caregivers of Children At-Risk for ADHD Through Optimism Training. Practioners Conversation at the National Association For School Psychologists Annual Conference. Boston, MA.

Franklin-Gillette, S., Rosenthal, E., Chunta, A., & DuPaul, G. J. (February, 2022). Early Academic Skill Challenges in Children At-Risk for ADHD. Paper Presentation at the National Association For School Psychologists Annual Conference. Boston, MA.

Chunta, A., Jung, H., Zimmerman, C., & DuPaul, G.J. (February, 2022). Self-Regulation and Social Behavior Differences in Preschoolers At-Risk for ADHD. Paper Presentation at the National Association For School Psychologists Annual Conference. Boston, MA.

Nelson, A. K., Chunta, A. M., Franklin-Gillette, S., DuPaul, G. J., & Kern, L. (2021, February). BPT on Emotional and Social Concerns for Children with ADHD. Poster presented at the National Association of School Psychologists 2021 Convention (NASP) (virtual). 

Ahn, J.H., Chunta, A., DuPaul, G.J., & Kern, L. (2020, November). The Impact of Behavioral and Optimistic Parenting Training and Immersive Virtual Reality on Parental Affiliate Stigma. Poster presented at the annual convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) (virtual).  

Chunta, A., DuPaul, G.J., Kern, L., & Cleminshawm C. (2020, August). Immersive Virtual Reality and Optimism Training to Enhance Behavioral Parent Training for ADHD. Poster presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association (virtual). 

Drogan, R., & Kern, L. (2014, March). A family engagement approach for preschoolers at-risk for ADHD. Poster session presented at the International Conference for Positive Behavior Support, Chicago, Illinois. 

DuPaul, G.J., Kern, L., Buck, K.E., Cayless-Patches, S., Drogan, R., Gernhart, A.L., & Yang, J.H. (2014, February). Parent education for ADHD preschoolers: Treatment development process and outcomes. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Association of School Psychologists, Washington, DC.

PowerPoint Presentations