Faculty Research Profiles

Bayseian Analysis

Case Study

Associate Professor and Program Director
Associate Professor and Program Director

Consensual Qualitative Research

Professor and Chair, Department of Education & Human Services

Design Models with Learning Technologies

Design Research

Professor of Practice


Associate Professor and Program Director

Event Sampling

Experimental Studies

Professor, Associate Dean for Research
Professor, Associate Chair of Education and Human Services Department
Associate Professor and Program Director

Focus Groups

Professor, Program Director
Associate Professor and Program Director

GIS/Spatial Analyses

Intervention/Individuals (child, family, teachers)

Professor, Associate Dean for Research
Professor, Associate Dean for Graduate Studies
Professor, Associate Chair of Education and Human Services Department
Assistant Professor
Professor, Program Director
Associate Professor and Program Director

Intervention/Systems: (school, district, community, national)

Professor and Chair, Department of Education & Human Services
Professor, Associate Chair of Education and Human Services Department


Associate Professor and Program Director
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Professor, Program Director
Associate Professor and Program Director

Large-Scale Data

Longitudinal Designs

Professor, Associate Dean for Research
Professor of Practice
Assistant Professor
Associate Professor and Program Director

Measure Development

Professor, Associate Dean for Graduate Studies
Professor, Associate Chair of Education and Human Services Department

Meta Analysis

Mixed Methods

Professor of Practice
Dean, College of Education
Assistant Professor
Professor, Program Director
Associate Professor and Program Director

Observational Data Coding

Professor, Associate Dean for Graduate Studies
Professor, Associate Chair of Education and Human Services Department
Professor, Program Director
Associate Professor and Program Director

Policy Study

Associate Professor and Program Director


Associate Professor and Program Director


Professor of Practice
Professor, Associate Chair of Education and Human Services Department


Associate Professor and Program Director
Associate Professor and Program Director


Professor of Practice

Randomized Control Trials

Professor, Associate Dean for Research
Professor, Program Director
Associate Professor and Program Director

Single Case Design

Associate Professor
Professor, Associate Dean for Research
Professor, Associate Dean for Graduate Studies
Professor and Director of the Center for Promoting Research to Practice
Associate Professor

Statistical Modeling


Professor of Practice
Professor and Chair, Department of Education & Human Services
Professor, Program Director
Associate Professor and Program Director

Systematic Review

Associate Professor

Time Diaries

Time Sampling of Observational Data

Professor, Associate Dean for Graduate Studies
Associate Professor and Program Director